
To lead people to a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ, to make all followers to become disciples and to help believers live an abundant & fruitful life.


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We believe that all people are created in the image of God and are intended by God to be in an eternal relationship with him.  But sin separates people from God.   Sin exists in every person.  It is the cause of the bad things people do to each other.


We believe that the Ten Commandments serve as a guide to God’s will in our lives.  We believe that the strength to please God with our lives is a gift of the Holy Spirit, and nurtured by a life of prayer.  We know we’re not perfect, that we stumble and fall in our daily walk with God.   But we also know that our forgiveness has been won and paid for by Jesus Christ and when we repent and turn to Christ for forgiveness, God will forgive us because of Jesus.


The good news is that God loves you!  He loves you with an incomprehensible and undying love.  This love led Jesus Christ to the cross for you, so that everything that would ever separate you from God would be removed.  God has provided for you a life in fellowship with Him and an eternity of blessing beyond imagination.  And all of this is absolutely free!  The following Bible readings will tell you more about the “good news”: John 3:16Ephesians 2:8-9 , Romans 5:1-21Acts 2:38-42 , Romans 3:21-24 , Acts 4:12.


We consider Baptism and Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper) to be gifts from God to the church, through which God is present and actively at work.  God gives his grace in the Water of Baptism.  Jesus gives us himself, his body and blood, in the bread and wine of Holy Communion.


Worship is the meeting place of God and his people.  God gathers us into his presence that we might celebrate his goodness to us in Jesus, and receive from God gifts of his grace.  We make use of historical forms of worship that have benefited Christians throughout the ages, as well as worship forms as new as today.